[紀錄] mjml EDM響應式郵件框架


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MJML is a markup language created by Mailjet and designed to reduce the pain of coding a responsive email. Its semantic syntax makes it easy and straightforward while its rich standard components library fastens your development time and lightens your email codebase. MJML’s open-source engine takes care of translating the MJML you wrote into responsive HTML.


You can install MJML with NPM to use it with NodeJS or the Command Line Interface. If you're not sure what those are, head over to Usage for other ways to use MJML.
npm install mjml


To work on MJML, make changes and create merge requests, download and install yarn for easy development.
git clone https://github.com/mjmlio/mjml.git && cd mjml
yarn build
You can also run yarn build:watch to rebuild the package as you code.



Don't want to install anything? Use the free online editor!
try it live

Applications and plugins

MJML comes with an ecosystem of tools and plugins, check out:
For more tools, check the Community page.

Command line interface

Compiles the file and outputs the HTML generated in output.html
mjml input.mjml -o output.html
You can pass optional arguments to the CLI and combine them.
argumentdescriptiondefault value
mjml -m [input]Migrates a v3 MJML file to the v4 syntaxNA
mjml [input] -o [output]Writes the output to [output]NA
mjml [input] -sWrites the output to stdoutNA
mjml -w [input]Watches the changes made to [input] (file or folder)NA
mjml [input] --config.beautifyBeautifies the output (true or false)true
mjml [input] --config.minifyMinifies the output (true or false)false

Inside Node.js

import mjml2html from 'mjml'

  Compile an mjml string
const htmlOutput = mjml2html(`
            Hello World!
`, options)

  Print the responsive HTML generated and MJML errors if any
You can pass optional options as an object to the mjml2html function:
optionunitdescriptiondefault value
fontsobjectDefault fonts imported in the HTML rendered by HTMLSee in index.js
keepCommentsbooleanOption to keep comments in the HTML outputtrue
beautifybooleanOption to beautify the HTML outputfalse
minifybooleanOption to minify the HTML outputfalse
validationLevelstringAvailable values for the validator: 'strict', 'soft', 'skip''soft'
filePathstringPath of file, used for relative paths in mj-includes'.'


A free-to-use MJML API is available to make it easy to integrate MJML in your application. Head over here to learn more about the API.

MJML Slack

MJML wouldn't be as cool without its amazing community. Head over the Community Slack to meet fellow MJML'ers.